Booking Procedure
HolidayHomesTuscany S.r.l. acts as an intermediary between the owners of the accommodation facilities on offer on its websites and the customers who would like to book one of the afore-mentioned accommodation facilities.
The booking procedure and the use of the various accommodation facilities for short holiday periods are subject to the following rules:
For information on the availability or for booking a house, customers should email the Agency specifying their name, the period and duration of their stay (a few days, one or more weeks), the number of persons and their email address.
Customers will receive an answer within a few hours.
As soon as customers declare to be willing to book a particular holiday accommodation facility, HolidayHomesTuscany S.r.l. will inform the owner of the afore-mentioned accommodation facility.
The payment of a deposit, whose amount depends on the accommodation facility and varies between 30% and 50% of the total rent, is required within 5 days of the owner’s acceptance of the reservation.
The deposit may be paid by:
BANK TRANSFER on the account of the Agency (customers will receive all of the necessary bank details via email).
Customers are kindly requested to FAX the bank receipt to the Agency on the very same day of the payment;
CREDIT CARD. In this case, a surcharge of 3% of the deposit (VISA and MASTECARD) or 6% of the deposit (AMERICAN EXPRESS) will be charged.
As soon as the Agency receives the documents confirming the payment, the customers and the owner of the accommodation facility chosen will be sent an email confirming the reservation.
Upon credit of the deposit on the bank account of the Agency, both customers and the owner of the house chosen are emailed a voucher containing all the data relative to the reservation.